Ontario court cases. 2 Post-court docket and case event list.
Ontario court cases Our job is to make independent and impartial decisions on legal issues of public importance. If your criminal matter is taking place in the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ), please contact the Provincial Crown Attorney’s office for your disclosure package. We work and decide cases in both English and French and from both common law and civil law. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out The Superior Court of Justice and the Family Court Branch Family cases are heard at all Superior Court locations throughout the province. Family Law Rules Forms; Rules of Civil Procedure Forms; Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms; Other Forms. The Court is based in Ottawa, but its members are required to travel throughout Canada to hear cases within its Decisions issued by the Ontario Labour Relations Board are available on the Canadian Legal Information Institute’s (CanLII) website. pdf form_33b. The Daily Court Lists provides information about case names, time, room number and reason for court appearances at the courthouse. The Superior Court of Justice is the higher division within the Ontario The Children’s Aid Society becomes involved with your family. 30 per But generally, Ontario Court cases and HRTO decisions appear to be somewhat consistent and comparable with respect to the amounts awarded for Code infringements. RULES OF PROCEDURE The Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure (the Rules) govern civil litigation in Ontario at the superior courts. The Superior Court of Justice. Refer to Important notice for Provincial Offences (POA) matters for details. However, the court does not hear divorce or property cases. Learn how the DCL works, what it reveals, and Information on civil lawsuits, Small Claims Court cases, estates (probate), bankruptcy, judicial review, statutory appeals and civil enforcement. 07. In 2023, 177 charges were stayed in The Superior Court of Justice is committed to ensuring an accessible and effective family justice system at all Superior Court sites throughout Ontario. To access the counsel sheet for the Milton virtual case management court, go to This list contains certain cases that are frequently relied on and which are supplied to judges hearing civil cases in the Superior Court of Justice, A. Judge-made rules are also a source of law and procedure. to 11:00 a. equitable and accessible justice services to the people of Ontario. Maple Leaf Foods Inc. v. from 9:00 a. of Ontario v. The “Court Case Search Tool”, available through Justice Services Online, allows users (anyone with a Service Ontario One-key account) to search for Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information, including future court dates and appearance type, by entering an accused person’s name or the information number. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and Learn how to access court proceedings, records and audio recordings of the Ontario Court of Justice online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about going to court and the resources available throughout the process. To find a case, you have three options: Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Access collections and useful links for this jurisdiction on CanLII. How to Find a Case or Court Record. The majority of criminal cases in the province have ended with charges The Ontario Court of Justice hears many different types of family cases, including child protection, adoption, cases involving decision-making responsibility, parenting time, contact, and support cases. Backed by environmental law charity Ecojustice and law firm Stockwoods LLP, the group of young people launched a lawsuit in 2019 in response to the Doug Ford government’s decision to cancel the cap-and-trade program. After you submit your family court documents, court staff will notify you within 5 Additional contact information for all Ontario courthouses, as well as updates in case of temporary courthouse closures or relocations, are available on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. In many locations, there is both a Superior Court of Justice and an Ontario Court of Justice. Court accessibility. ) Cindy Jahn Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. 1158 or 1-800-668-8258 (central Legal Aid Ontario number) Additional contact information for all Ontario courthouses, as well as updates in case of temporary courthouse closures or relocations, are available on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. Thomas Duty Counsel Office: 519-631-4810 ext. If you think there is a technical problem with the website, please Hearing lists of the Ontario Court of Appeal are also available the week before matters are to be heard. Access all information related to judgment 1688782 Ontario Inc. A. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms The Ontario Court of Justice Criminal Modernization Committee Dashboard is in PDF format and contains bookmarks to specific court regions Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Court updates and news. Each court has a case register or log where the court lists “events” for each case. Images are not available at this time. Events include each document filed, hearings and trials, notices, judgments, and reminders. Copies and photographs of documents, subject to a copy fee per page. To locate a court in your area, please see the List of Ontario Court Addresses on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s website. , 2020 SCC 35 (CanLII), [2020] 3 SCR 504 on CanLII. Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Case Center is an online document sharing platform that is used to share and present court documents at BOTH in-person and virtual court appearances. Searches may be conducted by case type (civil or criminal) and either the The administration of justice in the province of Ontario falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Attorney General. The DCL publically provides the dockets online for appearances in both the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) and the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ). Case Center is a user-friendly, cloud-based document sharing and e-hearing platform for both in-person and virtual family court appearances. The court recognized that The Court of Appeal for Ontario is the highest level of court in Ontario and hears appeals from the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice. The Ontario Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice, The Federal Court is Canada's national trial court which hears and decides legal disputes arising in the federal domain. Read the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Court Services Division Policies and Procedures on Public Access to Court Files, Documents and Exhibits. Important reminder about mode of appearance: This section contains connection information for virtual attendance in some courts. Information about family law cases at the Ontario Court of Justice. parking violations; non-criminal offences (under the Highway Traffic Act, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Liquor Licence Act, for example); These offences are handled by municipal court offices and can include traffic or noise by-law offences, building code violations, not having proof of insurance, public St. C. Questions or comments. What is not included are copies of the documents in the file. 2 Statutory restrictions to public access”, the post-court docket and case event lists are public documents and may be viewed at no charge. You will get an email from the court within five business days to tell you if your documents were accepted and successfully filed or issued. A satellite court provides selected and limited court services in conjunction with a main court office. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out The location of the nearest courthouse in your community can be found at Court Addresses. Parties will be able to upload, store, review, search, mark-up, share and present court documents virtually. No. Assessment Review Board Resolves appeals about property Find court case information. Zoom video court join links for first appearances and set date criminal case management adjournments in the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) If you have a criminal first court appearance date, or a subsequent criminal adjournment set date, please see the following Zoom video court login links. ) Fong v. The Children’s Aid Society will investigate and determine whether a court case needs to be started. (4th) 1, [2019] O. Copies On August 17, 2020, the ministry launched an online tool for searching court cases (“search tool”). The Tool allows anyone with a valid JSO account to conduct province-wide searches for certain SCJ criminal and civil court case information, including future court dates and appearance types. A distinct branch of the Superior Court called the Small Claims Court hears civil matters for under $35,000. Use the daily court lists, the online search tool or contact local court This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Case Center will be used for most all Children’s Law Reform Act (CLRA) and Family Law Act (FLA) cases. The search tool provides members of the public with the ability to conduct province-wide searches of Ontario Superior Court of Justice civil court case information. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms The Children’s Aid Society starts a court case by serving and filing a Protection Application or Status Review Application: Form 8B Ontario Court of Justice. Guide to Ontario Courts, a site maintained by the Judges' Library, provides public hearings decisions of the Ontario Judicial Council since 2002. Judges and Justices of the Peace Information about family law cases at the Ontario Court of Justice. Subject to orders of the court and the statutory restrictions outlined in section “3. Family cases are heard at all Superior Court locations across the province; however, family law involves both federal and provincial legislation. There are Civil Submissions Online: You can submit other documents for a civil case or a Divisional Court case in the Superior Court of Justice for filing and issuance through the Civil Submissions Online portal. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Hearing lists of the Ontario Court of Appeal are also available the week before matters are to be heard. St. one or two days prior to the court date), to confirm the information posted, or to find out about a case that is not posted, please contact the courthouse where you believe the case is being heard (See List of Ontario Court Addresses). This section also provides scheduling and connection information for case management courts (including trial readiness courts, where these exist), judge-led intensive case management courts, and guilty plea courts. R. “”, OR, AND, EXACT(), etc. 2_2018. 2 Post-court docket and case event list. In those locations, both Courts can preside over parenting, support, contact and safety issues. The new decision database has enhanced features including full Boolean search capacity (e. Administration and prosecutions offices are open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a. 2022 Superior Court of Justice – Callaghan Scheduling Convention Practice Directions, Presumptive Guidelines, Notices, Rules and Forms Provincial Practice Directions We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In civil court cases you can find information about: your court file; someone else’s court file; a court case, including the names of cases that involved a particular party ; Each court has control over its own files. Statistics Canada data reviewed by CBC Toronto shows a dramatic shift in criminal outcomes in Ontario over the last decade. ; Access exhibits in criminal cases The Ontario Court of Justice uses Case Center for family law cases. J. Search for court Learn how to access information about upcoming and ongoing criminal and family cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. To facilitate the orderly calling of counsel matters, the Criminal Lawyers Association and the Crown’s office have developed a virtual counsel sheet. The general contractor was operating as the “constructor” for the project. Case summaries since 1995/1995 are available in the Council's annual reports. Between the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice, 124 charges were stayed in 2022, according to internal reporting by Crown attorneys. Details on how to use the search feature can Tribunals Ontario Tribunals Ontario is a group of 13 adjudicative tribunals that resolves disputes in the social, property assessment, safety and licensing sectors. G. Superior Court of Justice. Our new online services provides a convenient and centralized way to search the indexes of land records and court filings within the Ontario County Clerk’s Office. Additional contact information for all Ontario courthouses, as well as updates in case of temporary courthouse closures or relocations, are available on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. This Protocol applies to all court users and the media. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Please click on the links below to access electronic court forms for Family, Civil and Small Claims Court proceedings in Ontario. The daily court lists provide users with basic next day case event information for Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice cases, subject to certain restrictions. Established in Toronto in the 1990s, the Estates List is comprised of judges who hear proceedings in the Toronto Region involving issues of estate, trust and capacity law. The DCL is fully accessible to the public and allows the accused or anyone else to see what names are on each docket, the courtroom and case number, hearing time, and case appearance type, such as The Protocol Regarding the Use of Electronic Communication Devices in Court Proceedings is based on the “open courts” principle, which requires transparency and accountability in the judicial system to foster public confidence in the administration of justice. docx 33C: Statement of agreed facts (child protection) March 1, 2018: April 30, 2018 form_33c_2018. Law School Libraries. ” Rick Madonik / Toronto Star File Photo Ontario manages more than 150 court locations across the province. Find daily court lists, adult criminal cases and Find judgments of the Ontario Court of Justice from 2004 onwards on CanLII or subscription services. The Daily Court Lists (DCL) publishes the names and basic information of those criminally charged in Ontario online for public access. 4. There may be a fee for inspecting a court file. ). T. Conversely, more “precedented” issues in employment [] How it works. Other records. Any documents uploaded to Case Center can be viewed by the court and the other parties in your court case. Overview. Superior Court of Justice – Callaghan Scheduling Convention Practice Directions, Presumptive Guidelines, Notices, Rules and Forms Provincial Practice Directions APPEAL from a judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (Lauwers, Huscroft and Trotter JJ. For a copy of a document you may request by mail by sending a self addressed stamped envelope and 65 cents per page, with a minimum charge of $1. Please find below court forms prescribed under other statutes, rules and regulations, as well as non A legal battle between seven Ontario youth and the Doug Ford government over climate action is heading to Canada’s highest court. Our Tribunals Animal Care Review Board Resolves disputes about orders and decisions from animal welfare inspectors and the Chief Animal Welfare Inspector. Information on how to find a court case and access court information. For general information on issues relating to the administration of justice, please consult the Ministry of Attorney General website. If you need legal advice about a Small Claims Court issue, you can contact Pro Bono Ontario’s Free Legal Advice Hotline at 1-855-255-7256. e. And we do know that Ontario Courts refer to HRTO decisions in determining the seriousness of the breaches and the amount to be awarded for compensation for injury to dignity, feelings The Court of Appeal for Ontario has launched a new online decision database. g. Ontario County Surrogate's Court 27 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 Ontario’s court system is structured into two main divisions, each responsible for handling specific types of cases. To request information for remote hearing access, including video and telephone hearings, please contact the relevant courthouse, either by email, using the subject line, “Hearing Access Request” and identifying Effective January 1, 2025, all persons licensed by the Law Society of Ontario including lawyers and paralegals must use the Tribunals Ontario Portal, the Landlord and Tenant Board’s case management system, to access any file-related documents as well as submit documents such as applications, forms, evidence, summons and more. If you are looking for information about a court file, you will need to contact the court where Weekend and statutory holiday court hearings; To inquire about cases scheduled recently (i. (excluding holidays). CanLII is a non-profit organization that makes Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. You can submit a request to file family court documents to the Ontario Court of Justice, Superior Court of Justice, including the Family Court Branch of the Superior Court of Justice and the Divisional Court of the Superior Court of Justice (but not the Ontario Court of Appeal). Information about the Ontario Court of Justice, including history, roles and responsibilities of judicial officers and principles of judicial office. Ontario County Family Court 27 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 Phone: 585-412-5299 Fax: 585-412-5327 Directions | Security | Website Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 a. ; Digital Audio Recordings of “on the record” court proceedings at the Ontario Court of Justice. $11,900 in Canadian Currency, 2015 ONSC 4583; Chatterjee v. Duty to report: a Children’s Aid Society has received a report from a teacher, police, neighbour, hospital, doctor or anyone else that your child may be in need of protection. In 2021, we saw the Courts continuing to apply legal concepts and policies which only surfaced because of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have reviewed the questions below and still can't find the information about a case, please contact the courthouse where the matter is being heard (List of Ontario Court Addresses). We are the only bilingual and bijural supreme court in the world. Please note contact information for municipal Provincial Offences courts is available here: Provincial Offences Court locations. The post-court docket or case event list is the same as the pre-court docket or list, with notes outlining the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Learn how to search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information online. to 4:00 p. Court data, decisions and rules. 2027 (QL), 2019 CarswellOnt 5941 This reality was reinforced by the Court of Appeal in this case in its duty of care analysis rejecting the officers’ negligence claim. - 5:00 p. Ontario, 2019 SCC 45 (CanLII), [2019] 3 SCR 519 on CanLII. Thomas courthouse location zoom. courts, boards and tribunals publish practice directions that provide guidance on procedural issues on an ongoing basis. We only can respond to calls and emails relating We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Court Calendars Search by File Number or Case Docket Number Search by name of Attorney or Firm Search by County, Court Location, Date, Judge/Part Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out If you are unable to find an email address or don’t hear back, call the court and ask how to obtain a copy. The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Rules of the Ontario Court (Provincial Division) in Provincial Offences Proceedings Forms; 2017 cases other than child protection and status review) March 1, 2018: April 30, 2018 form_33b. The Ontario Court of Justice also hears cases related to provincial offenses, including traffic violations, bylaws, and certain regulatory offenses. Ontario (Attorney General), 2009 SCC 19; Overview. Need help finding specific case information or understanding key terms? The following frequently asked questions can help. For general telephone inquiries, call the Ministry of the Attorney General at: Tel: 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901; TTY 1-877-425-0575. (3d) 330 (C. To get a copy of your disclosure, you will have to Out of hundreds of employment law cases published by Ontario Courts each year, only a handful will set precedents that will be cited for years into the future. A list of scheduled matters to be heard the next day at that location will then be displayed. 59 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2Z9. The Tool was launched for the Superior Court of Justice (“SCJ”) in August 2020 to facilitate and improve access to basic court case information. pdf Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Welcome to the Supreme Court of Canada, our country’s highest court. and 2:00 p. m. Sudbury (City) Case summary: The City of Sudbury in Ontario hired a general contractor for a road and water main project. The jurisdiction of civil appeals to the Divisional Court increased to $50,000 effective October 1, 2007. (1) Application This Protocol applies to all persons attending or Attorney General Doug Downey calls Ontario’s new online tool to search court cases “awesome. 2. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Message from the Chief Justice The Court Coat of Arms Judges Jurisdiction Registry Offices and Hearing Locations Careers Tax Court of Canada Medal Reports and Statistics Calendar Law & Practice. All Read more A complete list of Ontario court locations sorted alphabetically by city. For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. Chan (1999), 46 O. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out Case Center has been implemented in 30 court locations across the 5 regions where the Ontario Court of Justice hears family law matters. The Chief Justice of Ontario, the Associate Chief Justice of Ontario, and approximately 30 other judges sit on the Court of Appeal. Law libraries can be found at the University of Toronto, York University, the University of Western Ontario, Queen’s University, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Windsor. A. L. The sluggish pace of justice in Canadian civil and family courts has reached a "crisis" point, according to a lawyers group that says the worst delays are in Ontario, where litigants must wait up Overview of the Ontario Court of Justice, including the principles of judicial office and structure of the Court. Free 2 hour on-street parking. This organization ensures that legal matters are addressed appropriately according to their complexity and seriousness. (3d) 291 (C. Search by date, key words or court location. Small Claims Court cases, estates (probate), bankruptcy, judicial review, statutory appeals and civil enforcement. 2022, the court of Ontario, the Canadian Court allowed the urgent motion and directed that Miraya be returned back to Canada passed by the Court at Ontario in Canada is merely an interim order or it has attained the finality, and for this purpose, it would be apt to go through the order passed by the Canadian Court on 13. In this section, you will find information that will assist you if you have a Access all information related to judgment Fleming v. Searches may be conducted If you are unable to find an email address or don’t hear back, call the court and ask how to obtain a copy. In Ontario, the Provincial Offences Act sets out the rules for:. Website users may choose a court location and case type from drop down lists. . to 4 p. Civil cases: suing and being sued Index of court locations. The Superior Court of Justice is a higher-level court in Ontario with 4 13. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out The streamlined procedures in the Rules of the Small Claims Court allow the Court to determine cases more quickly and at a lower cost than in the Superior Court of Justice. If you are self-represented, you can also get your disclosure by going to the Digital Disclosure Hub to register. Ontario (Labour) v. ), 2019 ONCA 311, 56 C. Each court offers This list contains certain frequently relied on cases which are supplied to judges hearing family law cases in the Superior Court of Justice as directed by the provisions in the Consolidated Provincial Practice Public Accountants Council for Ontario (2004), 71 O. Learn what court documents are available to the public and media and how to access them. hqsowpbra tmm yxr xjy nzuu rbyk frh cicq rvxk qtfdew ltbg gzxtwvwy wekhir scs kcuqaa